92. Excel Tips - Save As Web Page

Nick's picture

Don't go writing code to convert Excel sheets to HTML:

  • Use Save As Web Page instead.
  • It's quick, easy, and does a lot of work for you.
  • If you have an intranet at work, and want to use it to share information without worrying about sharing workbooks, this is a good way.

Here's a screen shot of our data in Excel:


We can then use Save As Web Page, and open the sheet in a browser:




How do we do it ?

  1. Office Button
  2. Save As
  3. Other Formats
  4. Web Page

Now, just open the htm page in a browser.

Download sheet to practise how to Save As Web Page in Excel

Training Video on how to Save As Web Page in Excel:

save-as-web-page.xls43 KB