Adding file count and folder size to current macro, can this be done or does the code have to be rewritten?

This is the code I have.
What it does is it imports the name of every folder then splits it by Last name, First name, Record number,and Date of Birth. It also sorts the record number in Terminal Digit so it reads the last 2 number first then the middle 2 numbers then the last 4 numbers and puts them in order from there.

With this new code i want to be able to add a X-ray count( the files in folder count) into column E so it lists the files per folder also right after the Date of Birth.

Then add the patient folder size in column F.

In the workbook I have attached, Sheet 1 is how it looks when I run the code right now, Sheet 2 is what I would like the code look like and do. Thank you.

X-Ray Database Running List before and after.xlsm24.92 KB

I think after: Cells(r, 1) =

I think after:

Cells(r, 1) = Elements(0)
Cells(r, 2) = Elements(1)
Cells(r, 3) = Elements(2)
Cells(r, 4) = Elements(3)

You want to add...

Cells(r, 5) = SubFolder.Files.Count
