Excel/VBA/Excel Macros Freelance Programmer

The application deadline for this job posting has passed. Although you can still view the information no new applications for this job are currently being accepted.
Reference: JOB1501
Location: London, United Kingdom, United Kingdom
Employer: PR Agency
Application deadline: CLOSED
Contact: Kat

We are a London (UK) based company and we're looking to hire an independent games developer with experience in building Excel Flash games for a project in the run up to the Olympic Games.

Could this be you?

I know that games based on MS Excel are little retro these days but we'd still like to give it a go.

The game we're after should be tactical, linked to the Olympics and easy for people to share & play.

We'll give you a full brief once we get to know you but we're open to your ideas and happy to work together.

Please get in touch,
