Generate Summary (Solved)

Vishesh's picture

The attachment contains the solution for the problem posted on

I have added a summary sheet and provided a button to generate the summary. Hope this solves your problem

ModifiedSolution.xls45 KB

Thank you so much... how

Thank you so much... how would i create the summmary page in a new work book - so its in a different file? Also, what is I have multiple workbooks that I need to get the same data from and put it in the summary page? They info is in different files?

Vishesh's picture

Modified Solution

Check the solution attachment's been modified. You can now provide complete file paths of the files to be summarised.

Thank you.

Is there a way I could contact you directly or via skype? I am on the west coast.

Last question

IT works great! How do you pull the first columns of date - example with the headers...all the headers are the same in all files.