How To Get Data From Web That Requires Login And Password...

Hi dear knowledgeables,

I am new to this forum and kindly ask for your help.

I like to import stock-data from a watchlist into Excel 2007 which requires a login and password. is the link and the fields "Kennung" and "Passwort" need to be filled in before I can access the watchlis table.

Me being a pure "NoNo" as far as coding goes have no clue how to go about that.

Would you provide me with some VBA-code please, thank you very much in advance.

Best regards,


Staticdate() designed in 2003 not working in 2010

Hi everyone. I have designed a spreadsheet in 2003 which uses staticdate in a formula e.g. =IF(C34="y",StaticDate()). It works perfectly fine in Excel 2003 but when I open it in Excel 2010 it returns the current date i.e. the date the spreadsheet is being opened on. When I re-open in in 2003 it works perfectly fine, returning the original static dates. I need the original static dates to show when I use 2010 as well. Help!!!!! Thanks in advance