import from one table to another

I have an Excel book 1 with 1000 items (row), it contains column A: item#, column B: manufacture, and column C: prices. Another Excel book 2 contains 500 items, this table has column A: item# (some are in book 1, some are not), column B: description

I created a new description column D in book 1, how do I import the description from book 2 to book 1, and have them auto match import to the correct item number without affecting book 1 items that are not on book 2? Also to let me know which items from book 2 that is not in book 1.

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have a look at

have a look at this:

.. however, on a higher level, if one sheet is a view on data in another sheet, the best way to do this is to store the master data in one place, and use a pivot table to display the subset of the data, thus removing the need to reconcile between the 2...