INDEX / MATCH Table Values

Hi All,

I have a workbook with two sheets. Sheet 1 in my reference sheet (sheet with my table) and sheet 2 is my actual data_sheet. On my data_sheet I have a set of data similar to the file on dropbox

Vikas Verma's picture

Please Explain more

Hi Please explain more about your query and required output.


I need to lookup to my

I need to lookup to my "table" on my filters sheet and return the heading from the column in which a match is found. I have got this formula that currently works [=IFERROR(INDEX(Filters!J$1:AB$1,MATCH(C3,Filters!J$2:AB$2,0)),IFERROR(INDEX(Filters!J$1:AB$1,MATCH(C3,Filters!J$3:AB$3,0)),IFERROR(INDEX(Filters!J$1:AB$1,MATCH(C3,Filters!J$4:AB$4,0)),IFERROR(INDEX(Filters!J$1:AB$1,MATCH(C3,Filters!J$5:AB$5,0)),"Not Found"))))], however for every row in my table, I need to add another line to the formula.

Vikas Verma's picture

Solution--Try this

Hi Dear,

Hope you are looking for this...


use above mentioned with CSE.
