Need Help on Multiple Column/Row Comparision and Count

Dear Experts

I need some help/advice on comparing and counting mutiple Rows/Columns

I have 3 Columns as per the attached Image

Nos No1 Count

need to compare "Nos" column with "No1" and print the count on Column "Count"

Tried with counfif() function, which is working fine. However When i Copy the folumula to next column the range is changing and giving me incorrect result.

Please Help on this.,Thanks

Excel Help
Almir's picture

Change references from relative to absolute

I guess it is due to relative referencing. You need to make references absolute.

If you formula in C2 is like:

=COUNTIF(B2:B50, A1) - for example, you try to count values from A1 in the range B2:B50,

you need to make it:
=COUNTIF($B$2:$B$50, $A1)
So, when you copy your formula down or right, range will not change, because it will always reference to the same cells.

Thanks Almir

Hi Almir

My Issues Fixed., Thankyou..

Almir's picture

Glad to help you.

Glad to help you.