VBA to search and return data associated with selected data

Hello, I'm having trouble working this one.
In column C / Column E / Column G / Column H /
1-26-G / H / 1 / 13 /
2-29-L / P / / /
4-9-D / L / / /
1-12-C / F / / /
6-37-C / D / / /
1-13-E / C / / /
3-22-H / G / / /
1-13-E / E / / /
So I would select one letter, what ever letter that I select at thst time that would be in column E then run a macro that would search the column C for any data with letter "E" and will return any duplicate number before the first dash"-" for example: the number 1 would be recorded into column G as it is seen twice in the data in column C for the letter "E". Then the macro would continue search for the data with the letter "E" and return the duplicate data for example 13 which is after the dash"-" into column H. Please! Thank you!

Earlier i was feeling it easy

Earlier i was feeling it easy but on doing i was not able to get the proper answer. Will visit regularly for the best solution.

VBA to search and return data associated with selected data


I'm trying to make it work for you. I will post the solution here. But I have a question.
What must be stored in column G when there are 2 different numbers at the first position in the string? Like if you search for "C", you have in column C 2 different values - 1-12-C and 6-37-C.