XLA routines: EE_ClearColumns

Nick's picture
EE_ClearColumns clears all the data in the columns specified
Sub EE_ClearColumns(FromCol As Variant, Optional ToCol As Variant)
' - FromCol and ToCol can either be a column, a letter, a number, or a heading
' clears all data from the col
'http://excelexperts.com/xla-routines-eeClearColumns    for updates on this routine
    If Not IsMissing(ToCol) Then
        If ToCol = "" Then
            ToCol = FromCol
        End If
        ToCol = FromCol
    End If
    If VarType(ToCol) = vbString Then
        ToCol = CLng(range(ToCol & "1").Column)
    End If
    If VarType(FromCol) = vbString Then
        FromCol = CLng(range(FromCol & "1").Column)
    End If
    Dim i As Long
    For i = FromCol To ToCol
End Sub