Conditional Formatting in a Column

I am using Excel 2007 on a Windows Vista Home Basic system. I am trying to format a column which contains a sum in which a cell is subtracted from another cell. I want the format of the cell to be red if the value is less than 0 and I want the format to remain black if the value is greater than 0. How can I do this?

Hi Tindomerel, Assuming the

Hi Tindomerel,

Assuming the sum starts in column C row 2, highlight C2 down to the last row that holds your sum formula. right click and select format cells, change from General to number, and select one of the red options for negative numbers i.e. either with or without the negative symbol present.

Alternately if you must use conditional formatting, highlight the same area - next click on conditional formatting - select new rule - select "use a formula to determine which cells to format"

Then under "Format values where this formula is true" put the following:
then click on Format - from the colour drop down select red
