Count the number of records that fall between two dates

I am working with a database column B is the date and column C is a numerical value representing deliveries.

I need to find the amount of people who had "1" delivery between the two dates.

So far I have, =SUMIFS(C:C,B:B,">="&H1,B:B,"<="&H2)


If I could combine the two it would solve my question

">="&H1 is the start date and "<="&H2 is the end date.

Right now it sums all the numbers between the two dates. I need to sum all the people with "1" in column C not just everything.

I have attached the document that I am working on.

Thank You

sum-between-2-dates.xls30 KB

My solution


Use this formula:

= COUNTIFS(B:B, ">=" & H1, B:B, "<=" & H2, C:C, "1")


Best regards.