Loops VBA EXCEL PROGRAMMING - please help im so dumb and stupid :(

Hello everyone:

I have this problem which i cannot get the right answer.. I feel dumb.. and my teacher for some reason, does not want to help me, i believe he hates me just because im of a different religion than his, and where i live people are very discirminative. So i need the help from my internet friends.

Im required to create 2 VBA codings, i believe its using the loop feature.

I will attach the imagen where everything its explained.

The graph and the screenshots of the sub are examples, to help and make sure the right answer gets answered. I know this may be easy for you professional guys, but im here trying to learn, despite not getting the help from my teacher...

Screen Shot 2015-06-08 at 20.16.48.png

Please find the attached solution.

Function FibonacciSeries(N As Integer)
For i = N To 1 Step -1
Sum = Sum + i
FibonacciSeries = Sum
End Function

Function FibonacciSeries1(N As Integer)
For i = N To 1 Step -1
Sum = Sum + 1 / i
FibonacciSeries1 = Sum
End Function