one click import from multiple files

I have a folder on my pc which has one output file (eg. Database file attached) and a large number of input files (eg input 1, input 2 and input 3 attached). I want to know a method by which I can get data from these multiple input files TOGETHER for display in the output file in multiple rows rather than individually opening each input file and selecting one file at a time from a dropdown for import.

Basically, I am wondering if the output file has a way to recognize all the other files in the same folder ie. the input files and select data from the same cells in each input file and display in the output file in different rows, preferably with a single click/command button

if anybody can help me out on this, please you are most welcome

input 3.xls35 KB
input 2.xls35 KB
input 1.xls35 KB
Desired output.xlsm21.9 KB
Database.xlsx8.91 KB

If the number if input files

If the number if input files is constant, I might try using external links. My first run through, though, would probably be to determine what files are available and read them in one by one.

Private Sub test()
Dim data1
Dim XL As Excel.Application
Dim WBK As Excel.Workbook
Set XL = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
Set WBK = XL.Workbooks.Open("C:\dump\input1.xls")
data1 = WBK.Sheets("Form (Promotional)").Range("C2").Value
Worksheets("Sheet1").Cells(10, 1) = data1
End Sub